@disillusioned: Even though the US has the best healthcare in the world, the population is relatively old and a lot of the population is unhealthy. Hence we have a relatively high death rate compared to places like Africa or India.
There is little they can do if you get COVID. It’s been proven that intubation and assisted ventilation has been more damaging, right now they don’t (or shouldn’t) even put you on a ventilator .
The best thing to do is just let it run out while supporting the body with antivirals (these are commonly available) and cytokine inhibitors (such as Ivermectin and clones which are also commonly prescribed).
The amount of people dying are indeed a very small percentage. Currently more people die daily from Alzheimer’s than do from COVID. 10x as many people died from flu in 1918 than did from 2 years of COVID, no mandates were created back then, we just moved on.